with the Temporal Tap
By Gwenn Bonnell
Published Quality Life Magazine, Jan. 2002
I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping in positive statements
to increase the flow of money into my life - affirmations were not my
cup of tea. But I'll try almost anything once. So when a good friend
of mine shared a powerful affirmation proven to increase self–esteem
and attract abundance, I changed the wording around a bit to make it
mine, and then experimented with my statement using the Temporal Tap
Five days later, I was unexpectedly handed a check for over $18,000.00
and told to do with the money as I wished! And I mean this was TOTALLY
unexpected, out of the blue. The day after that, our house was appraised
at $75,000.00 more than we bought it for a few years prior. Within three
weeks, my husband and I became proud owners of a condo on the beach
- without having to pay cash up front. Now, although I have an abundant
life, this was a pretty unusual four—week period, even for me! I was
totally sold on the power of the Temporal Tap.
The "Temporal Tap" is a recently rediscovered ancient energy technique
that is enormously effective in breaking old habits, attitudes and emotional
responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping around the top of
the ear is a simple, direct and powerful tool that makes the brain more
receptive to learning new habits and instilling new attitudes. It calms
the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current
belief systems and patterns of behavior, making it easy to instill new
beliefs and attract success and prosperity into your life.
Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that
you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence,
and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already
exists. For example, you could say, "I joyfully receive abundance in
my life," or "Right now, I am prosperous," or even "I always have more
than enough money to pay my bills." Affirmations can be anything you
wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific,
such as, "I easily and successfully attract 5 new customers every day,"
or general, such as "There are plenty of customers for my services."
And they can be used to increase success, no matter what your career
choice: "I am making good money being a writer, artist, mechanic, hairdresser,
It is important that the statements are in your native language or
the one you are most comfortable with, in your own lingo, and aligned
with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point.
To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at the right temple in front
of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp along the top edge
of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite
where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of
the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips
bunched together ensures that you contact all the points along the Temporal—Sphenoidal
(T—S) line. You do not have to tap too hard, just firmly enough to stimulate
the energy. Perform three tapping repetitions, each time repeating your

Since the effects of the Temporal Tap last about thirty minutes, wait
at least that long or more before repeating the tap with the same affirmation.
Doing the procedure several times a day can speed up the installation
of new behavior and attitudes since reinforcement is an important part
of the process. I tapped in my statement seven times a day at least.
The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect
and the easier your habits will change.
For increased effectiveness, write down your affirmation to make sure
you are using the exact wording each time. However, if you think of
a more appropriate statement, write down the new version and use that
Temporal Tap separately for as many affirmations as you wish as long
as you can easily address them all at least several times a day on a
daily basis. Once your statement has become a part of your life, you
can replace it with a new one.
Pay attention to what is going through your mind while you are saying
the affirmations. For example, if you are stating, "I deserve prosperity
and abundance in my life," and your self talk replies, "This is useless,
I'm not educated enough to be rich," your statement isn't ringing true
for you and needs to be changed. Perhaps saying, "I now have the ability
to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that create prosperity,"
would be more effective. If you are stating, "Money flows easily into
my life," and you hear the words, "My parents lived from paycheck to
paycheck and so will I," then try something similar to, "I am more abundant
than my parents because they want it that way." Be creative with your
affirmations; find one that really resonates for you and that you can
believe in.
Affirmations could be stated as, "I constantly do everything necessary
to establish a positive flow of money in my life," "The universe always
supports me," or "Everything I touch is a success." One student of mine
used "My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing,"
and got hired at the next job she applied for. Another student's affirmations
included "I'm helping lots and lots of people," and "I'm making oodles
and oodles of money." Soon after, she took advantage of an opportunity
to increase her client base and her income. She is now tapping in "I'm
making a minimum of $500.00 a week." The possibilities for constructive
affirmations are endless.
Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and
self–esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It
can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental,
emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social.
People have used it to lose weight (I enjoy eating healthy foods in
the proper portions), to improve job performance (Right now, I complete
my tasks easily and correctly), and even to stop fingernail biting (My
fingernails are growing long and strong.) It is a simple yet powerful
way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life
you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects
your highest ideals.
What affirmation did I instill to bring newly found abundance into
my life? "Right now, I deeply and completely accept myself in the presence
of other people." You are welcome to experiment with this statement
if it resonates with you. If you ever feel the Temporal Tap is not working,
try changing the wording of the affirmation. Remember, it is important
that the statement is comfortable for you and clearly reflects your
goals. Use the language you are most familiar with, and words that are
aligned with your values and feelings. Go for it: this is your chance
to attract abundance into your life, right now!
Gwenn Bonnell is an International
Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal
Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself.
For a printable Temporal Tap chart (Black & White) PLUS EFT charts in English & other languages, PLUS energy medicine charts including charts for animals, go to
© Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The information in this article is for educational purposes only. This
technique is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations
of physicians or other healthcare providers. Rather, it is intended
to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and
health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.