The Huna Energy Alignment
Process helps you achieve and maintain balance, or pono.
A healthy life happens when all aspects of life are working together
harmoniously, maintaining balance between all parts of nature, between
the creative and analytical sides of the brain, between the female (yin)
and male (yang) energies, between the higher, middle and lower selves,
and between the material and spiritual realms.
The alignment process is one of the most powerful rites of Huna that
can be shared with others.
This ritual aligns the left and right side of the brain, puts you more
in touch with your higher self, and raises the vibration of your body
at a cellular level.
Initiations and rites are used to open the chakras, stimulate the glandular
system, clear blockages, erase past programming that no longer supports
your highest and best interest, and support the natural healing powers
of the body.
Throughout the entire ceremony, you follow a meditation calling in light
and love and releasing anything that ever stood in the way between you
and your higher knowing.
This is a very powerful modality. It helps the physical body make all
the neurological, physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual
shifts from fear to love.
If you are interested in making the shift from cell degeneration to cell
regeneration, from the descension process to the ascension process, and
are ready to walk this planet fully connected to your power, consider
experiencing the Huna Energy Alignment
now available on CD or as an online audio
you can listen to immediately!

Gwenn's Huna Energy Alignment Meditation: a profound experience of bringing
love and light in to the very core of your being. (INCLUDES BONUS Aloha
Blessings Meditation!) For complete details, or to access the online audio
right now, click here.