Ask Gwenn…

Questions and Answers in our FREE email support newsletter.

Gwenn Bonnell will answer your questions through our Yahoo Group support list, because others will benefit from your questions and Gwenn's answers... plus there are lots of knowledgable people on the list to offer their insight and support. If you have a question and are not subscribed, please click the link below. A Blank Email window will pop up and just click send. You will receive a subscription confirmation via email.

This is a PRIVATE list since your email address will never be given or sold. You have the option of allowing your contact information to be shared with the group.


(Click on Link and SEND when blank Email pops up)

Once you are subscribed click the link below, and an email window will pop up. Please fill out your question as clearly as possible.


For personal questions you do not wish to share with a group, or for information about private sessions, contact Gwenn via this link.

(Click on Link, type in your question in the Email that pops up, and SEND)