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TESTIMONIALSFROM OTHER AUTHORITIES IN THE FIELDGARY CRAIG (developer of EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques, or "Tapping"):"Gwenn is one of those masterful EFT'ers who, without formal credentials, has learned to make EFT sing. She has become a very popular and successful EFT workshop presenter." DONNA EDEN (author, Enery Medicine):"Dear Gwenn, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your spirit--you bring so much to the class, you are so respectful of my space, and your energy always "gives"--it is a source of sustenance to have you in the group. I've just now read your June article on EFT. I enjoyed it very much. You brought a lot of information into a very short amount of space in a very persuasive way. A line I really liked was "The science behind this process was not developed in a lab and then tested in the real world. Instead, events in the real world pointed the way to this discovery." As one who has figured it out as I went, I really appreciated that thought." COMMENTS ABOUT PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS WITH GWENND.K., Ft. Lauderdale, who couldn't stand or walk erect due to lower back pain: "This is better than a chiropractor." After our session she was able to comfortably walk, twist and bend. After one session, H.J., Miami, who was feeling overwhelmed with his money-losing business, explains, "You tapped me into so much business that I can't keep up. Not only are my losses erased, but business is better than it ever was, and it shows no signs of letting up!" J.B, Arizona, "Thanks again for my tapping and acceptance of myself despite the pain in my neck. Your session allowed me to enjoy the rest of my evening and haven't had any problems since." M.R.P., Pennsylvania, "EFT (tapping) was so simple and so instantaneous - not like other procedures that are more involved and take time to work. This is amazing-I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't experience it myself." STUDENTS OF GWENN'S WORKSHOPS AND TRAININGSA.M., Davie, "I consider the class I took with Gwenn to be the key to one of the most powerful tools yet discovered. It is a tool I use everyday…and can find issues for it everywhere I go. When we tackle an issue, she has a unique grasp on the process and can easily intuit the core issues usually before I do!" G.R., Pembroke Pines, "I have used EFT many times on myself, friends and family and it has always worked! Thank you, Gwenn, for teaching me EFT." S.M., Ft. Lauderdale. "Coming to Gwenn's EFT (tapping) training has to be among one of the best events of my life. I am trained as a therapist. I have worked in that profession and have been to therapy myself. I have learned more about myself with EFT and have been able to identify and clearly look at past issues and feelings that have led to my current behavior patterns, than I was ever able to do in therapy. Thank you for your kindness and openness." F.P., Georgia, "EFT excites me. I'm losing weight, seeing better, have a better memory, and am finding myself really tuning in to people for a longer time." S.C., Ft. Lauderdale, "Gwenn is a GREAT role model for being flexible and effective (and respectful) with clients. Plus she took Gary's advice to heart to "try EFT on everything," and she has LOTS of experience she brings to her trainings." L.M, Ft. Lauderdale, "Thursday afternoon, while grocery shopping, I felt an urge to buy chocolate candy and ice cream. I told myself I would go to my car, do EFT, and then if I still wanted those items, I could go back and buy them. I did EFT in my car for the craving for chocolate. I got the craving low enough that I left without buying any chocolate… So I went to sleep without having had any chocolate that day, and woke up today without any craving for chocolate. (I never wake up without a craving for chocolate.) " T.F., Ft. Lauderdale, "I did the tapping many times throughout the day today and as I told you last night, I feel lighter. I can tell you that I am down to a "1". I was even able to recognize the root of my problem and I know I will get rid of the remaining awful feeling. I am not in pain the way I was and my heart is open and free again." M.B., Ft. Lauderdale, "I was thoroughly impressed by your EFT Training - it was great! You are amazingly gifted, beautiful, and personable." MUSCLE TESTING/ENERGY CHECKING WORKSHOPG.K., Miami, "That was a great workshop! I now feel as though I have a handle on Muscle Testing in the sense that I now know what to look for. It was very profitable for me." TAP INTO ABUNDANCE EFT WORKSHOPU.F, Ft. Lauderdale, "You can see the class had an impact on me. I purchased both a new wallet and a new pocketbook today. Everything is organized for me now. I AM ON TOP OF MY MONEY! Also received a call today saying that $350 that has been owed to me for many months will be paid in two weeks. What a nice surprise! I guess the class is having a good effect." CHAKRA BALANCING WORKSHOPST.H., Ft. Lauderdale. "I want to thank you! I was able, for the first time, to actually connect with the body's energy. It was as if my hand were floating above the body in the chakra's vortex. It was an incredible evening." GWENN'S PUBLIC EFT TAPPING PRESENTATIONSC.W., Ft. Lauderdale, "I can see where EFT could be used to my clients, family, and friends." J.B., Miami, "Thanks for an enlightening and wonderful afternoon. We all were very pleased with your presentation." K.S., Davie, "I want to thank you from the bottom of the heart for your warm and lovely presentation. The class had a very positive reaction, including the woman you worked with… Again, many blessings on your work and life and thank you for enriching our class." GARY CRAIG'S BORROWING BENEFITS EFT WEEKEND IN FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA SPONSORED BY GWENN BONNELLK.O., Ft. Lauderdale, "Thank you so much for the opportunity of a lifetime. Meeting Gary and being a part of that fabulous workshop has definitely changed my life and my direction for a new career." J.B., Miami, "Thank you so much for a beautiful weekend. You are beautiful, Gary is beautiful, the people up there spilling their guts were beautiful, everyone was beautiful, (still are.) "Thank you" seems like such a limited word to express what I feel, but it will have to do. (Can thank you's be squared to the nth degree?)" J.T., North Carolina, "So, you lovely one, I am writing this to thank you for the fact that you chose to arrange the EFT meeting in Ft. Lauderdale AND for the fact that you are the sort of person that allows one like me to ASK for - thank you so much - you are a boon to my life." D.D., Miami, "Once again, heartfelt thanks for putting on Gary's seminar. It has been the first time that I have experienced such dramatic and in-depth results with EFT. You are one of the most amazing people I know. I'm impressed with how you hold it all together. God bless you and yours." I.B., Florida, "Thank you for the wonderful EFT seminar you created! It was a major blessing to share space with Gary and see him work his artistry . . . and I thank you for that gift." G.K., Miami, "Just wanted to tell you how wonderful your organization of the workshop was…I was very impressed and enjoyed myself thoroughly and learned one heck of a lot! I met some really great people and look forward to incorporating all of this when I move to Spain." A.S., Miami, "It was so wonderful to connect with you at this weekend's workshop. Lots of laughs and lots of good work was enjoyed by all! Your excellent organizational skills allowed Gary's curriculum and demonstrations to run seamlessly. Kudos!" M.B., Ft. Lauderdale, "Thank you very much for your emotional rescue. Your kind, gentle and most professional manner helped me out of a very intense moment. As always you amazed me with your insight and awareness. You were able to see the whole picture clearer than I did. That is a gift from God as are you." |
© Copyright Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved
Tap Into Heaven, Inc. Davie, FL USA 33325 • 954-253-9361 (Text or Call) gwenn@tapintoheaven.com