Tap Into Heaven with EFT and Energy Medicine

Energy Stuff

Energy Tip of the month:

10 Steps to Personal Peace in Turbulent Times

by Gwenn Bonnell

I first published the “10 Steps to Personal Peace” EFT Tapping Chart in 2001 after 9/11. At that time we were living among geopolitical time bombs ticking around the globe.

Fast forward to 2020 with Covid-19 – a worldwide pandemic causing worldwide pandemonium and anxiety.

How do we stay safe from an invisible threat? When is it going to end (will it end)? It’s as if the rug is being pulled out from under us and exposing all sort of underlying issues.

This is why a self-help protocol such as EFT Tapping has never been more important, or more needed. So I updated the chart in two ways: The tapping sequence is more orderly, and I added the Lung Meridian tapping point on the thumb.

Why the lung meridian? A number of reasons:

• Because Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, balancing lung meridian energy is vital.

• Negative emotions associated with the lung meridian include contempt, intolerance and prejudice. Perhaps it is not by chance that the spotlight is on systemic racism and social inequality…

• The positive emotional attributes of the lung meridian are tolerance, humility, and modesty.

• Every time we breath out we are letting go of air, trusting that an in-breath will follow. But in today’s world, being forced to let go of life as we knew it means loss, and we are all grieving for the life we lost.

• Balancing lung energy helps us release the grief and loss with each out-breath and allows each in-breath to bring in new life and inspiration as we have faith that we'll find ways to create our “new normal.”

I invite you to experiment with this tapping routine. EFT is one of the easiest and most effective methods of addressing the constant anxiety in the collective consciousness.

Since the issues facing us are global in nature, persistence may be the key in treating them with Tapping. Gary Craig's EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) works best when you are being really specific…however, that may be a bit overwhelming because there are so many aspects affecting each of us.

Blending EFT with a variation of Dr. Larry Nim's BSFF (Be Set Free Fast), John Diamond’s affirmations (Life Energy) and David Feinstein’s insights (Energy Psychology Interactive) may help treat the global issue, and help us focus in on our unique specific issues for the day.


This tapping can easily incorporates into any meditation, exercise or other personal routine, or it can be a stand-alone practice. If specific issues come up during this procedure, I suggest addressing those issues in the moment with EFT.

Click here for chart

Click Here to Download Printable Chart
TAKE A DEEP BREATH after each affirmation.

  1. TAP THE K-27 POINTS, repeat three times: “I accept myself completely and choose to feel safe today.”
  2. TAP ON THE EYEBROW POINT and state, “I am eliminating all the sadness in all of the roots, and the deepest cause and belief system of this problem. I am in harmony, I am in peace.”
  3. TAP UNDER THE EYE and state, “I am eliminating all of the fear in all of the roots, and the deepest cause and belief system of this problem. I am content, I am tranquil.”
  4. THUMP THE THYMUS, repeat three times: “I have love, faith, trust, gratitude, and courage.
  5. TAP UNDER THE ARM, repeat three times: “I easily and effortlessly assimilate all change into my life. I have faith and confidence in my future.”
  6. TAP THE SIDE OF THE THUMB and state: “I am humble, tolerant and modest. I allow myself to release any sense of loss and to breathe in new energy, new inspiration, and new life.
  7. TAP THE INDEX FINGER and state: “I forgive myself. I know I'm doing the best I can. I forgive God and I give up the need to know why things happen as they do.”
  8. TAP THE LITTLE FINGER and state: “I am eliminating all of the anger in all of the roots, and the deepest cause and belief system of all of this problem. I have forgiveness in my heart.”
  9. TAP THE GAMUT POINT, repeat three times: “Right now, I am okay. I choose to feel safe and secure knowing I have the resources to overcome any problem.”
  10. FINISH BY “HOOKING UP:” Put two fingers of one hand on your belly button, and two fingers of the other hand on your third eye (an inch or so above your nose on the forehead), take a deep breath, and state, “I am standing tall and feeling clear, centered and secure.”

    > Click Here to Download Printable Chart

    Let me know how this tapping routine helps you
    ! If you have a specific issue you'd like help with, please email me at gwenn@tapintoheaven.com


    Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer whose work is literally changing lives all over the world. For details about Gwenn's easy-to-use home-study material, books and audio programs, please visit www.tapintoheaven.com/store
© Copyright Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Tap Into Heaven, Inc.
Davie, FL USA 33325 • 954-253-9361 (Text or Call)

While EFT and other Energy Therapies in this website have produced remarkable clinical results, they must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. This Website is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

The information provided on this website is a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT and other energy therapies to the world. This web page represents the ideas of the Gwenn Bonnell and does not necessarily represent those of Gary Craig or EFT.