Tap Into Heaven with EFT and Energy Medicine

Personal EFT Sessions:
Your Path to Lasting Emotional Freedom

with Gwenn Bonnell

Are you familiar with EFT but feel stuck? Or maybe you're new to it and want to ensure you're getting the most out of your efforts? Either way, one-on-one EFT sessions can be the breakthrough you need to resolve deep-rooted issues and experience genuine relief.

What to Expect: In our private sessions, you'll learn to use EFT specifically for your unique issue. You'll leave each session knowing exactly how to apply tapping to move forward with confidence.

Session Recordings for Continued Healing: After each session, you'll receive a video recording (if we Zoom) plus a downloadable audio recording of the entire session. Why? So you can revisit the session and glean more knowledge and understanding about the EFT Tapping process and how it benefits you.

The separate audios for each tapping sequence make it quick and easy for you to continue working on your specific areas of concern. Think of it as your personal tool kit for emotional freedom.

Here's What You'll Gain:
- A deeper understanding of what's driving your behavior.
- Personalized guidance on how to use EFT for lasting change.
- Recordings to keep clearing those tough issues even after our session ends.
- Peace of mind knowing you're on the path to emotional and physical well-being.

Convenient Phone & Zoom Sessions: No need to stress about travel or scheduling because we connect by phone or Zoom - whatever is easiest for you.

Rates & Packages
- Single Session: $200 for a 60-minute session.
Billing happens via Paypal after the first session. If you'd like to continue working together, consider the Discount Package which includes this as the first session.
- Discount Package: $675 for 4 sessions (includes one 60-minute session and three 45-minute follow-ups). That's a 15% savings! You'll also get free consults between sessions via email or short calls to keep the momentum going.

Money-Back Guarantee: If, during our first session, you don't experience any relief from the tapping we do, just let me know, and I won't charge you. Zero risk, all reward.

What You Need to Do: Before we meet, think about the specific issue you want to resolve and what success looks like to you. This helps us create a blueprint for your emotional freedom journey.

Ready to get started? Shoot me an email at gwenn@tapintoheaven.com or call or text me at 954-253-9361. Be sure to leave a message if I don't answer, and I'll get back to you ASAP. After we schedule your first session, you'll get an intake form via email.

It's time to take the first step toward lasting relief, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way!

Gwenn Bonnell
Certified EFT Practitioner


Tap Into Heaven, Inc.
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Teaching You How To Use EFT Tapping & Energy Medicine
For a Healthier, Happier, More Abundant and Fulfilling Life

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LIKE Tap Into Heaven's Facebook Page => facebook.com/tapintoheaven

© Copyright Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Tap Into Heaven, Inc.
1550 SW 139 Ave, Davie, FL 33325 • 954-370-1552

While EFT and other Energy Therapies in this website have produced remarkable clinical results, they must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. This Website is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

The information provided on this website is a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT and other energy therapies to the world. This web page represents the ideas of the Gwenn Bonnell and does not necessarily represent those of Gary Craig or EFT.