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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Caroline Myss, author of “Energy Anatomy,” states
that we are All religions, all philosophies, metaphysics, and psychologies Successful, happy people think about their goals and talk about how to achieve them. Unsuccessful, unhappy people think about what they don’t want, and talk about their problems and worries. What energy are you projecting into the world? Remember like attracts like. Are you focused on continually working on being, having, and achieving more of the things you desire? Or are you focused on what you don’t have, on the negative things in your life, attracting more of the same? Your ability to set goals is the secret of success. Goals unlock your positive mind and release ideas and energy. Once you set an outcome that you are completely congruent with, the brain will organize unconscious behavior in order to achieve it. Energetically, the universe reacts, and the law of magnetic attraction, the law of cause and effect, of like attracting like, gets stronger and stronger. Synchronicity, coincidences happen. Opportunities present themselves; people you need for your project begin appearing in your life. Unfortunately, we often get sidetracked with all sorts of fears… fears about voicing our ideas, about making the decisions needed to bring our ideas into fruition, about how our life will change, about what others will think about those changes. This is where EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is so helpful. You will use EFT to release any fears that are holding you back from setting goals, and from taking advantage of all those opportunities and coincidences that will help you reach your goal. USE EFT TO SET GOALS Do you think goals aren’t important? Perhaps you grew up in an atmosphere where nobody set distinct goals. Perhaps now you hang around people who have wishes or dreams to “be happy,” or “make a lot of money,” or “have a nice family life” as opposed to concrete, clear goals. A goal is distinctly different from a wish. Make your goal clear; and WRITE IT DOWN. Be specific, make it something you can quickly and easily NOTE: These are guidelines for EFT Setup Statements and “Even though I have this problem being able to set clear USE EFT TAPPING TO OVERCOME FEARS OF REJECTION Do you have any fears about being rejected? Would your “Even though I have these fears about being rejected by “Even though others may not approve of how my life changes “Even though I’m afraid that others might try to
stop me from USE EFT TAPPING TO RELEASE ANY FEARS OF FAILURE Do you have a fear of failure? Failure hurts. Many people unconsciously
sabotage themselves by not setting any goals “Even though I have this fear of failure, I’ve tried
things before “Even though I’ve failed before, I choose to focus
on the “Even though I’ve been hurt by failure before, and
might USE EFT TAPPING TO GET RID OF “IT’S NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME” THOUGHTS Do you believe that a goal is possible for others to achieve, i.e., other can become millionaires, but not yourself? Or other people can stick to a weight loss plan, but you can’t? That no matter how much you try, or what you try, it just never works out for you? If you feel hopeless, there’s no way you will do what you need to achieve your goal. “Even though I have this problem believing that everything
I “Even though I have this hopeless feeling about even making “Even though I believe I don’t have the will power, the energy I USE EFT TAPPING TO REVERSE NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING “Even though people have always told me that I’m worthless, and I don’t deserve to succeed, I forgive them for what they have said and done to instill this belief in me, and I forgive myself for listening to them. I love feeling empowered as I set and attain my goals.” USE EFT TAPPING TO RELEASE ANY FEARS ABOUT CHANGE “Even though I have these fears that in order to get what I wish for I will lose something important in my life, I accept myself anyway, and choose to do whatever it takes to reach success, prosperity, and personal fulfillment.” Set your goals daily. Let your imagination soar. What would Keep tapping for health and vitality! Love & light, Gwenn If you're not familiar with EFT, what are you waiting for? THE EFT SECTION on this website gives a great introduction, and my QUICK START TAPPING GUIDE is an affordable way to get started now. |
© Copyright Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved
Tap Into Heaven, Inc. 1550 SW 139 Ave, Davie, FL 33325 • 954-370-1552 gwenn@tapintoheaven.com